00 Begin Of The Eternal Shadows (3:58)
01 Lux Ferre — The First Observer (5:52)
02 Agrat Bat Machat — The Second Observer (6:50)
03 Aquares — The Third Observer (5:35)
04 Baal/Zebub — The Fourth Observer (5:18)
05 Daimon — The Fifth Observer (4:32)
06 Venom Of The God/Samael — The Sixth Observer (7:00)
07 Geburah — The Primal Sephiria (5:34)
08 Theurgia Goethia — Book Of Keys (6:00)
09 Megiddo — The End Of All Things (8:40)
The 3rd act in the six-act series of DIABOLUS OPUM, that will be released in limited number of 666 copies. It will contain 6 acts, each in 111 copies, so all number of released copies will match 666.
PENEMUE is a Polish project of Abstainer known for :WULGATA:. "The Observers" presents very dark and grim sounds and samples. It's definitely a dark ambient fitting idealy with the Diabolus Opum series. 60 minutes CD filled with hellish sounds and diabolical noises!
DOWNLOAD : The Observers
P/W : s8s