The bar is set stunningly high here. I developed the habit of saying to many artists something in essence of: the better their art, the easier my job is. This release makes me feel as if those words have shattered right in front of me. This is one of those moments that, for me, puts into question my ability to report. It seems difficult to reconcile the limitations of the English language with the grandeur of this piece. This is one of those rare examples of near-perfection that displays such a seemingly aphotic reality within the self, only finding that this darkness is not impenetrable; after being engulfed long enough, one literally becomes that which he has been consumed by.
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This is the most ghostly, well-produced, refined, and masterful Dark Ambient album I have had the privilege of immersing myself in. I found myself on the brink of tears when I first came to know this work, not because the music is particularly sorrowful, which of course it is, but because it is, more than anything, astounding. The production value for every single track is no joke, this is a work of grand design, with every single detail having a life of its own. Each track is like a distinct phantom telling you a part in a story, some of these manifestations are mesmerizingly vast, others unflinchingly mysterious. The second track, “Echoes From The Loss” is one of the latter. As far as any sort of Ambient goes, this is the dense, complex kind that sees unexpected textures rise and fall, unfurling as the only thing you have to grasp to orient yourself amidst the impossible vacuum everywhere around you.