The debut album of a promising new act in the Martial Industrial scene. Inspired by the great empires and kingdoms of Europe, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prussia and 20th century Christian and legitimist movements. The lyrics deal with the themes of christian mysticism and the spirit of struggle - as opposed to the coward comfort of the modern world. The album features various guest musicians from the Hungarian industrial and neofolk scene. Neoclassical / symphonic music with the strictness of martial rhythms and with the power of industrial sounds.
01 Unser Glaubensbekenntnis
02 Kennst Du Deine Farben?
03 Teremts!
04 Heiliger Krieg (Innere Und Äußere)
05 Lux Mundi I. (Der Schrift)
06 Lux Mundi II. (K.U.K.)
07 Egység és Rend
08 Nekünk Mohács Kell!
09 Heimatslos (Epilog)