With ‘Tanssit on Loppu Nyt’, Karjalan Sissit once more sharpen shuddering steel, blade storms of wailing metallic symphony fulminate violently, tremors twisting a surreality of soft swollen hills, lonely forests, and lumbering modern ruins.
Karjalan Sissit continue with this album the tradition of unholy bombast, fusilladic percussive assaults and the dissonancy of the summoned damned; though where tradition intertwines with the demonic, the satanic, the pastiche, this album clearly demarcates the absence of any such allusions leaving the music as nothing other than an instrument of puissance – a means to a terrifying end. Harrowing and subliminal enough to appeal to fans of power electronics and dark ambient, it is seemingly aimed at neither, preferring its own tortured pariahdom as a cathartic. And unlike the aforementioned two genres that at times bleed and dabble in one another, ‘Tanssit on Loppu Nyt’ slices the canvas with dark and self-maniacal glory, sans the occult. Lumbering malformed drums ululate choirs of malformed shells into edifices sodden in the blood of the torn throat from the rampaging vocals. Orchestral directive wraps that landscape, oily ceremonial masses of a subversive mien, leaching away mystery and otherworldliness to the mascara limning mordant, arachnoid holes.
01. Tää On Katastroofi, Saatana (4:55)
02. Kiitän Puolestani (3:02)
03. Någon Vacker Dag Får Du Smaka På Finn Yxan Jävla Rip-Off Gubbe (2:44)
04. Tanssit On Loppu Nyt (4:32)
05. ...Ja Verkkaritkin Haisee Koskenkorvalle (4:08)
06. Viinanjuontikoulun Viimeinen Oppitunti: Miltä Lyhyt Ryyppy Tuntuu (4:40)
07. Kuolema Tulloo (3:29)
08. Oikein Erityisellä Lämmöllä (1:51)
09. Valkoinen Sisar (2:56)