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2003 : Marching On To Victory

01. Determination
02. Sturm V
03. Unity of Blood
04. Marching on to Victory
05. Bless our Arms
06. Sun of Predappio
07. Holy Order
08. Militant Struggle
2006 : Standards Of Triumph

01. Standards Of Triumph
02. Ploughshares Into Swords
03. Deathmarch
04. Legionaries
05. The Absolute Essence
06. That Day Of Infamy
07. Blood, All Blood
08. Veer And Perish
09. The Sinking Ship
2008 : Omne Ensis Impera

01. Omne Ensis Impera (2:44)
02. Der Angriff Geht Weiter (4:22)
03. Decisive War (5:11)
04. Perserverance Is All (5:41)
05. Profound Truths (5:25)
06. Sons Of God (5:39)
07. Onwards! (4:52)
08. Cladem Nescimus (5:00)
09. Endkampf (5:50)