1. z = -(Es+E3 )
2. e = v~z!uEv~z
3. v= (P2 — p1)/t
4. Z = √ x2/1 + x2/2 + x2/3
5. e = z^4
6. V2 = u2- 2
Through an element darkly… In the fall of 2005 Z’EV began dipping deep into his archives and selecting recordings to produce ‘sum things / a possible form for cold dark matter’, a project reflecting his take on the ‘dark ambience’ genre. Composed between December 2005 and March 2006, these 6 pieces endeavor to transport the listener deep into their long forgotten memories of the primal forces at the dawn of creation. Each piece is based on a single sound source. Absolutely no effects of any kind, not even equalization, were applied to the source recordings. Instead Z’EV relied solely on the stretching of the duration and pitch of the samples and then edited and mixed the results down into the heart of space. Hear then, the state of the art in elemental musics.
>>DOWNLOAD : Sum Things
P/W: rbk