01. CONFIG.SYS - Widowmaker 04:40
02. CONFIG.SYS - Laika Rest in Peace in Outaspace 05:14
03. CONFIG.SYS - Bite the Bullet 03:45
04. CONFIG.SYS & CONTAGIOUS ORGASM - Sound as A Weapon 05:11
05. CONFIG.SYS - Shock Treatment and Cannibalism 04:31
06. CONTAGIOUS ORGASM - the Cause of Beginning 03:55
07. CONTAGIOUS ORGASM - Sweet Home 06:24
08. CONTAGIOUS ORGASM - the Argument on Sense of Incongruity 04:11
09. CONTAGIOUS ORGASM - Floor 05:37
10. BOOT-SECTOR-VIRUZ - Floating into the Void 03:49
11. BOOT-SECTOR-VIRUZ - Misery Machinery 04:16
12. BOOT-SECTOR-VIRUZ - No Part of Your Game 04:05
13. BOOT-SECTOR-VIRUZ - Close to Exploding 04:21
14. BOOT-SECTOR-VIRUZ - Zombies Ate My Neighbours (...and Made Noise Their Dessert Mix) 03:31
>>DOWNLOAD : Peacemakers Inc. I
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